Industrial Product Design Service from Coda Plastics

Plastic has many industrial uses. Plastic has revolutionised the marine and aerospace industries by providing a cheap, lightweight and easily moldable alternative to wood and metal. Plastic’s use as an electrical insulator has prevented many industrial injuries from fire and electrocution. People are constantly coming up with ideas for industrial uses for plastic and, at Coda Plastics Ltd, we have helped a few of them to bring their ideas to life with our industrial product design service.

A man at Coda Plastics testing a product

Everything Fits Together

The team at Coda Plastics Ltd who will be working on your industrial product design know that you will have high expectations for your new product and they will work with you to make sure that everything fits together and works seamlessly. You can rely on our years of experience manufacturing industrial plastic products.

Virtual Testing Environment 

Before you go to the expense of manufacture, your product’s features can be tested in a virtual environment. These finite element analyses simulate the real world. They test how well your industrial product will respond to dynamic mechanical and physical interactions. Our team can test how your product will respond to the particular stresses and strains it is likely to encounter in the industry it is intended for. For example, If your product is likely to be exposed to fluctuations in temperature, our virtual tests can see how it would respond to extremes of hot and cold and perhaps adjust your design accordingly.  

Experience and Expertise

Being able to run tests in a virtual environment and make adjustments to your industrial design before going into manufacture will greatly reduce your costs. You will also be able to draw on the years of experience and expertise you will be getting from our design team here at Coda Plastics Ltd.

If you have any questions, our team of experts are waiting to answer them. To talk to our design team, send us an email to or call +44 1692 501020 to arrange an appointment. 

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