Our popular standard packaging range of more than 50 products offers convenience and value without compromise. Bottles, caps, lids and accessories have been meticulously designed, rigorously tested and optimised for performance and marketability.
New Products
The newly launched Hydra and Quadra product lines have huge market appeal, and can already be seen on the shelves of a leading UK Supermarket. Hydra is becoming the go-to design for household chemical products such as drain unblocker. The ergonomic shape pleases focus groups and test markets.
We’ve made it easy to see what products are compatible, so you can find the right type of cap or lid for your chosen bottle. Using standard necks and threads, we can design a custom closure for a standard bottle and vice versa.
All of our standard packaging items are available in custom colours to match your branding, as well as pearl, metallic and special finishes to give your product extra shelf appeal.
Made of high quality HDPE, PET or PP, every item is easily recyclable by the consumer. Marked with the Mobius Loop for easy identification, we help you and the consumer fulfil your environmental commitments.
For more information or to request a sample, call our office on +44 1692 501020 or email sales@coda-plastics.co.uk. View the full range here.
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The Hydra 1000ml Bottles