Good packaging design consists of a blend of originality and familiarity. You want to entice new customers with an original design that makes your product stand out from those of your competitors. However, at the same time, you want your design to remain familiar for your regular customers who always throw a couple in their shopping basket. Here are 6 of the latest trends in packaging design.
- Die Cutting: Sometimes you might want your customers to be able to see through the packaging to the product within. Die cutting holes in your packaging allows this extra level of contact. Unlike cardboard or foil packaging, plastic can be transparent so it can be combined with die-cut materials to allow customers to view your product.
- Hand Writing: An important part of graphic design is the lettering. ‘Coca-Cola’ is famous for the flowing script of its lettering. This kind of handwritten feel is about to see a surge in popularity. Obviously, if you have the handwriting of a GP with a hangover, don’t put it on your label, but see if your graphic designer can come up with something attractive that is readable from a distance.
- Vintage Printing: It seems we have yet to reach peak vintage. The key to vintage packaging design is evoking that feeling of nostalgia in the consumer: ‘Things used to be better than they are now, maybe if I buy this product that looks like things used to look then things will be better again!’ Amazingly, it works.
- Postage Packing: People love getting a package in the post and people love unwrapping a package even if they have bought it themselves. Unboxing is a rich seam that packaging designers are starting to tap into.
- Colour Clashing: Colour can be used sparingly or it can be used to shout: ‘Look at me! Buy Me! Me!’ – Clashing colours will certainly draw the eye and they’re a good trick to have up your sleeve if competing in crowded markets.
- Simply Stating: Telling the consumer in simple terms what your product is and what it will do for them. The trend for chatty products (looking at you, Innocent Smoothies) seems to be on the wane. Simply stating your brand and unique selling point should be sufficient.
We hope you are feeling inspired by some of these trends. Have a think about how they could be combined with the principles of originality and familiarity to create a wonderful piece of packaging. Then come along and chat to the Coda Plastics Ltd product development team about manufacturing your packaging design in plastic. Call us on +44 1692 501020 to arrange a meeting.
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