How Plastics are Changing the Medical Industry

Plastics are everywhere in the medical industry. From artificial limbs and joints to lightweight eyewear, plastics have fundamentally changed the way that medicine is practised. Plastic tools have a number of advantages over similar products manufactured from glass or steel. 

Plastic is Cheap and Therefore Disposable

This is a huge advantage in the medical arena where cross-contamination from re-use of implements is such a danger. Because it is cheap to replace, a plastic tool can be used once and thrown away. If something is to be re-used, then it needs to be sterilised. The danger here is that improper sterilisation can lead to infection.

plastics changing the medical industry

Plastic is Not Magnetic

Modern MRI machines have magnets in them that are so powerful they can cause metal objects to fly across the room, but there is no danger of this with plastic as it is not magnetic. Everything that is kept in a room housing an MRI machine must be plastic.

Plastic Can Be Moulded to Any Shape

Human bodies follow a uniform design but come in many different sizes. When it comes to moulding artificial limbs and joints, plastic is the perfect material: lightweight, hardy and mouldable.

Plastic is Light

The clue is in the name: glasses used to be manufactured from glass. Thick lenses and steel frames meant glasses were heavy and styles limited. However, plastics have revolutionised all that, making spectacles available in a variety of light wearable styles.

At Coda Plastics, we have a long partnership with the medical industry, and have been manufacturing plastic products and packaging for medical purposes for over 35 years. We also make high precision injection moulded components tailored to the medical industry's requirements.

If you would like any further information on our services, call us on 01692 501020 and talk to one of our plastics experts.

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