Wearable Technology and Med-Tech

The countdown to Med-Tech Innovations Expo 2016 is ticking away. We will be at stand 29 at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on both days (20-21 April) so if you're planning on attending, drop by and say hello. If you can't make it this year, don't worry - we'll let you know how it goes on Twitter at @CodaPlastics, and on our blog! There'll be a lot on at the exposition, including a series of free specialist seminars from med-tech experts. A seminar on wearable technology has caught our eye, and here's why.

The Origins of Wearable Technology

The horologist Patek Philippe is often credited with kickstarting wearable technology. He came up with idea of including a watch face in the bracelet he was designing for a Countess in 1868. However, perhaps the truest claim comes from the world of medical technology. The first wearable eyeglasses were advertised in 1728 - glasses had been around for five centuries, but people had just held them in front of their faces. 

What Moore's Law means for Wearable Technology

Moore's Law states that the number of transistors in a dense designated circuit doubles approximately every two years. Basically, computers become more powerful as they become smaller. When they get small enough, people can start wearing them. Tiny wearable computers have obvious applications in the world of Med-Tech: a patient's heart rate or blood pressure can be monitored and the results analysed as they go about their day, not just in a hospital setting.

wearable technology med-tech

Wearable Technology Seminar at Med-Tech Innovation Expo 2016

The seminar, Wearable MedTech Development & Successful Innovation in a competitive market, comes in two parts. The first session focuses on wearable technology, the tools and techniques involved in its design and considerations to be taken into account when working with vulnerable people. The second session will analyse the opportunities and challenges faced by the successful innovator. Free to attend and overseen by industry experts Maddison, Via and Tactiq, the seminar  should prove to be an insightful introduction to the world of wearable technology.

We look forward to chatting to any of the innovators at Med-Tech Innovation Expo 2016 who may need advice on manufacturing any plastic components of their wearable Med-Tech. Maybe that innovator is you - give us a call now on +44 1692 501020.

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